As a full-time infant teacher at the YMCA's Center for Children, Courtney Caudill needs a lot of energy and ways to manage stress and mental health. She has found that by using her city-wide YMCA membership to stay active. "I'm a self-described group class junkie, and I attend class at least three times a week. I've gotten stronger, fitter, my stamina is so much better, and my stress level is way lower. All that in turn helps me be a better teacher," Courtney shares. "I've got way more energy and patience with the kids, and I can keep a clearer head when juggling multiple responsibilities at once. I've also noticed an increase in confidence as I go throughout my life, especially at work, and I think that taking care of myself comes into play there, too!"
Though Courtney had been a YMCA member prior to working at the Center, she wasn't consistent with exercise or ever found a sustainable routine. Now that she is a regular in group fitness, not only is she seeing the benefits physically and mentally, but relationally, too. "I've been able to build relationships through my classes that I otherwise wouldn't be able to. It's an absolute joy to go to class and I get excited about going! I always leave feeling so energetic and refreshed, no matter how tiring or stressful the day has been. Special shout-out to my instructors: Brianna, Sabrina, Kim, and Felice! You all are a big reason why I keep coming back!" It is with this same enthusiasm that Courtney offers encouragement for anyone looking to get active: "I love that you don't have to be great in order to attend class. No one cares if you're bad. It's more about moving and having fun with it!" She continues about how everyone can belong at the YMCA. "I think the Y is more than a gym. There's lots of ways to be fit, and the Y offers so many options for it. You just have to find what you like and go with it! I see so many different kinds of people at the Y, and it's really cool how we are all there to make ourselves healthy. There's something for everyone!"
Outside of work and group exercise classes, Courtney stays busy hanging with friends, being involved at her church, chilling at home with her kitty, reading, playing video games, or watching TV. If you go to Comic Cons or Renaissance Fairs, you may also spot her there. No matter what, Courtney brings optimism and a positive attitude, and even sees her own active lifestyle as a way to set an example for the kids she encounters every day at work. "I get excited that at my work with the Y, we get to show good habits with these kids and teach them how to be healthy at an early age. Good habits that start early can last for a lifetime."
We love that Courtney has jumped into classes and found a way to move that brings her joy. She is a great example of the importance of taking care of yourself - especially for someone in a caregiving role. We're thankful for the ways she has cared for infants at the Center for Children for five years now, and are so glad she's a part of our YMCA team.
We love celebrating our staff - if you know someone who deserves a shout out or spotlight, let us know! Email us at marketing@ymcacky.org.