Free Child Care While You Use the Y
As a valued household member, enjoy up to two hours of free on-site child care while you work out, take a class, or relax at the Y. Our child care is designed to provide a safe, secure, and positive experience for children ages 6 weeks to 9 years. A parent/guardian must remain in the facility and check children in and out with their designated workout location and phone number in case of emergency.
Kids Corner hours by location are listed below:
- C.M. Gatton Beaumont YMCA
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Monday-Thursday, 4:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Sunday, 1:30-5:30 p.m.
- Whitaker Family YMCA
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - Noon
Monday-Thursday, 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, 7:45 a.m. - Noon
- North Lexington Family YMCA
Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m. - Noon
Monday-Thursday, 5 - 8 p.m.
- Prevention Park YMCA
Monday-Thursday, 5-7 p.m.
Saturday, 10 a.m. - Noon
Check In/Out
Parents must scan their membership card to check in a child. Parents must also provide a location in the facility and an emergency phone number when checking in. The same parent who checks in the child must also check him/her out, unless otherwise indicated. For the safety of all children, parents are not allowed in activity rooms.
Child Guidance
Our goal is to encourage our four core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility while we are caring for young children. We do so through positive guidance and redirection techniques. Our Kids Corner staff will work hard to keep your child happy and active while left in our care. If your child becomes unhappy, our staff will do our best to console them, and use soothing techniques to comfort them. For the comfort and best interest of your child and others, it is our policy to contact you if your child cries for more than 15 minutes. If there are any biting, hitting, improper language, or other behavioral issues, you will be asked to address the concern with your child. Consistent repeats of improper behavior could result in suspension from Kids Corner.
Diapering/ Potty training
Kids Corner does not provide diapers, wipes or clean clothing for children. If your child is potty training, please notify us. We will gladly work with you in frequently asking and encouraging them to use the toilet. Your child must use pull-ups or diapers if he/she is not completely potty trained. Please let us know if a child is potty training or new to wearing underwear so that the staff may assist them in the process to help minimize accidents. If an accident occurs for a child who is wearing underwear, the parents will be called upon to clean up the child and get them into new clothes or underwear. The child will be welcomed back to Kids Corner after they are cleaned up.
If the room does not have a sink, the program will not change diapers. Staff will contact the parent if the child has a soiled diaper that needs to be changed.
Emergency Procedures
If an emergency arises in which the building must be evacuated, staff will escort your child outside through emergency exits. You may pick up your child from this location. In the event of an injury or accident involving your child, staff will immediately take appropriate First Aid procedures and someone will come get you.
Healthy Environment
For the comfort and security of our members and children, cell phones are not permitted in the Kids Corner area. Also, please do not allow children to bring toys or electronics from home.
Please label all belongings and share information about your child that may be valuable while he/she is in our care (sleeping needs, temperament, potty training, etc.). This will allow us to better meet the need of each child in our care.
Kids Corner is food and medicine free. Parents are asked to leave their children in the Kids Corner area with a full tummy and a clean diaper. Medicine will only be administered in life threatening emergencies. If your child has emergency medication, please notify our staff and provide instructions for appropriate administration of medication.
Please do not bring sick children to Kids Corner. Staff reserve the right to refuse a child that appears to be ill. Symptoms may include fever, rash, colored mucus from the eyes or nose, excessive cough, vomiting or diarrhea. If a child should exhibit any of these symptoms while in our care, a staff member will notify you and ask you to remove your child. Please make sure your child is symptom free for 24 hours (without medication) before returning to Kids Corner. In return, please notify us if your child contracts a communicable disease after spending time in the Kids Corner program.