Shana Harris is making history at the YMCA of Central KY: she was recently named our first-ever, full-time director of pickleball operations. While the job at the Y is new, the sport definitely is not - it has been around since 1965! Washington state Congressman Joel Pritchard and two friends invented the sport and named it after Pritchard's dog Pickles. Since then, pickleball has evolved and experienced explosive growth on a national level, and specifically in the past decade, at the YMCA of Central KY.
Shana brings her own personal Y experience both as a pickleball player and as a group exercise participant at the Whitaker Family YMCA. She recognizes the potential the organization has to build community through pickleball and all other programs. "The YMCA is a wonderful place to connect with people. Y programming fills the life voids for so many people in Central Kentucky; there is no other entity in this area that helps people develop mind-body-and spirit, feel seen, and cared for. The Y is a gift that nourishes humanity."
Shana is off to a strong start, working to make the YMCA of Central KY the premier destination for pickleball in the state. She is excited about expanding the sport at our YMCA locations and accommodating various levels of play. This month comes the launch of youth pickleball sports skills, an instructor training, and Pickleball 101 classes for Y members - and this is just the beginning.
We're thrilled to have Shana on the team and love the ways she's dreaming big about building and serving our community at the Y. If you're interested in learning more about the pickleball program, or connecting with Shana, we invite you to send her an email at lharris@ymcacky.org.
We love celebrating our staff! If you know someone who deserves a shout out or spotlight, let us know! Email us at marketing@ymcacky.org.