
  • Ages 13 and up may join as an individual. Teens 13-17 must have a parent or legal guardian sign the membership agreement waiver. Members under this classification cannot bring guests. You must be at least 18 years old to host a guest.

Facility Use

  • Ages 16 and up may be considered the supervising guardian for siblings age 9 and younger when using the facilities, provided responsible and appropriate behavior is exercised at all times.
  • Ages 10 and up may use the facilities without a parent or supervising guardian in designated areas of the facility.
  • Under 10 must be escorted to their program area. A parent/supervising guardian must remain with children under 10 unless in a program.

Wellness Center 

  • Ages 14 and up may use the wellness center (fitness equipment, cardio and free-weights) and participate in group exercise classes without adult supervision.
  • Ages 10-13 may use the wellness center (following posted youth fitness guidelines) and actively participate in non-weight bearing (i.e. dumbbells, free-weights, bands, etc.) group exercise classes with direct parental supervision. 
  • There are some youth fitness classes offered starting at age 8 that do not require direct parental supervision but are instructor-led. 

Locker Rooms

  • Ages 19 and up must use the adult locker rooms.
  • 18 and under must use the family locker rooms or restrooms.
  • Under 7 parents/supervising guardians with children ages 7 and younger must use the family locker rooms and restrooms where available. These changing rooms are also available to those who require special assistance or parents/supervising guardians assisting opposite gender children.Express changing rooms are also available for everyone to use where available.

Child Watch

  • Children ages 6 weeks - 9 years old under a household membership may utilize Child Watch/Kid’s Corner services. A child may remain in Child Watch/Kid’s Corner for up to two hours per day. Parent/legal guardian must remain in the facility when child is in the Y’s care.

Youth Activity Center/Arcade

  • Ages 6-12 - Ages 6-9 must be signed in by a parent/legal guardian. All children under the age of 10 must be escorted to their program area.

Indoor Track

  • Ages 10 and up (8-9 with supervised parent/guardian) may use the track. Please do no use strollers or carry children while using the track. 


  • Ages 10 and up may use the gymnasium during open gym times. Scheduled activities have priority; please refer to schedule.
  • Under 10 may use the gymnasium with a parent/supervising guardian.


  • Ages 16 and up may use the sauna, steam room and whirlpool on the pool deck. Ages 12 and under must take an annual swim skills test. All red band non-swimmers must be accompanied by a parent/supervising guardian (16 and over), must be within arm’s reach of a parent/supervising guardian at all times, remain in the shallow end and wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved flotation device (PFD).
  • Children 9 and under must be accompanied by a parent/supervising guardian (16 and over) at all times on the pool deck regardless of swim band color.
  • Life-jackets may only be removed from red band non-swimmers if the parent/supervising guardian accompanying them is actively teaching them how to swim and within arm’s reach.
  • Youth ages 12 and younger are required to take the swim skills test to determine slide use.
  • Must be a yellow band swimmer and 50” tall or a green band swimmer with no height requirements to use the large slide at the Whitaker Family YMCA.
  • Children with yellow and red swim bands can use the small slides.