Whether you’re just getting into an exercise routine, or have been a fitness enthusiast for years, group exercise classes are a great way to ratchet your fitness level up a notch. And with all the different options the Y offers, there’s a group exercise class for every fitness level and every interest. Into dancing? Take a ZUMBA® class – or maybe even a cardio kickboxing class. Prefer a quieter workout? Try a yoga or pilates class. Looking for a challenge? You can always enroll in a boot camp or kettlebell exercise class.
But the benefits of taking one of these group fitness classes go beyond the obvious. Yes, you’ll get a great workout and improve your health while having fun doing something you love, but that’s not all. There are many other reasons why taking a group fitness class at the Y is such a great idea. Today, we’ll be discussing the top four benefits you’ll enjoy when you join up.
1. You’re more likely to show up – and keep showing up.
A resolution to exercise won’t do you any good unless you actually get started…and then keep it up, even when your motivation lags. The fact that the others in your class, not to mention your instructor, will notice your absence, usually provides enough of a impetus to get people out the door and into the gym. Having that accountability built in is an ideal way to ensure that you actually keep up with your intention to exercise regularly.
2. Having an instructor ensures proper form.
Ever worried you weren’t doing an exercise correctly when you were alone at home? At a group fitness class, those worries won’t be an issue. Your instructor will check to see that everyone is doing each exercise correctly, for safety’s sake, as well as to make sure you’re getting the maximum fitness benefits.
3. You’ll be challenged to push yourself to the next level.
When you’re on your own, you may slow down a little when you get tired, or even give up when you get winded. But in a group setting, the instructor will push you to keep going, even when you think you can’t make it another second. Not only that, but your classmates will also encourage you, simply by virtue of the fact that they’re still going. If they can do it, so can you.
4. Group exercise classes are, simply, fun.
We’ve all heard the advice that in order to really motivate ourselves to exercise, we should choose an activity we feel is fun. And it’s true. If you love meeting up with friends to exercise through dance, water aerobics, cycling, or any other of the myriad fun activities available at the Y, you’re much more likely to show up and give your all every time. Whether it’s the activity itself, the friendships you’ll form, or even a spirit of friendly competition, enjoying yourself makes all the difference when it comes to fitness.