We are excited to offer additional parking space for YMCA members visiting the High Street YMCA. Effective immediately, members can utilize the United States Postal Office Parking Lot, located at 210 E. High Street during designated times.
Please note the following rules and regulations for usage:
- All YMCA members will need to have a current annual parking sticker prominently displayed on their front windshield when utilizing the post office lot during YMCA operating hours. Stickers can be obtained at the High Street YMCA’s front desk during normal hours.
- YMCA members can utilize the post office lot after 5 p.m. on weekdays and during YMCA operating hours on weekends. Free parking remains available for members in our two parking lots at the YMCA during all operating hours.
- One pass per active member age 16+.
- If you do not have the YMCA parking sticker displayed in your window when utilizing the post office lot, the vehicle will be towed and stored at the owner’s expense.
We will see you soon at the High Street YMCA!