Staying physically active is an important part of your total health, but it is not everything. What, when, and how you eat is also vital to your overall health, with different types of food providing different benefits to your body.
March is National Nutrition Month, and locally here at the YMCA of Central KY, we have three suggestions for jump starting your knowledge about food, recipes, and nutrition:
- Visit Nancy
In partnership with CHI St. Joseph Health, visit Registered Dietician Nancy Durall while she is in our locations in March. Nancy can provide guidance on nutrition and healthy living and has giveaways for Y members this month! Get your blood pressure and glucose checked, and see how Nancy can help you celebrate a world of flavors at home.
Wednesday, March 9 – High Street YMCA, 7 a.m.- Noon
Wednesday, March 16 – Whitaker Family YMCA, 7 a.m.- Noon
Friday, March 25 – C.M. Gatton Beaumont YMCA, 7 a.m - Noon
Fun fact! Nancy will be stopping by our Spring Break camps at the North Lexington YMCA and Whitaker Family YMCA to share healthy eating tips with our campers.
- Cook Up Something Tasty
Incorporating healthy changes is all about knowing where to start. Don’t feel like you have to change everything at once! Can you try just one new recipe a week in March, and see what you like? Here are a few from Nancy to get you started.
Download Cilantro Lime Rice Recipe
Download Honey Cilantro Baked Salmon Recipe
- Do Some Fact Finding
They say knowledge is power, and understanding food, performance, health, and nutrition can be daunting. Whitaker Family YMCA Intern Mia Stefanelli is here to help!
Mia, a senior at the University of Kentucky, and part of Nutrition for Human Performance certificate program, provided us with some of her go-to sites for dietary and nutritional guidance:
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 - Although not specifically targeted to the active population, it's a great reference for general nutrition. The updated version is simpler and has a more holistic focus. It emphasizes an overall healthy eating pattern (rather than just specific nutrients) and addresses varying needs based on age, individual/cultural preferences, and chronic disease.
USDA Nutrition Corner- This website is great for answering frequently asked questions about food and nutrition. It also has other tips for eating healthy!
USDA Nutrition by Age - You can click on any of the age groups and be directed to a page with lots of resources. These webpages are full of external sources that are a great, one-stop shop for learning about nutrition for each specific group. They even have fun things like links to online games in the kids section.
As part of her internship, Mia is also maintaining a Food of the Week site. Check out new recipes and submit your request here.
Above all, like all aspects of wellness, we recognize that nutrition is a personal journey. If you are interested in a more tailored program or need additional nutritional counseling, we encourage you to seek the guidance of a medical professional and/or a licensed dietician.